Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bread! Bread! oh my aunt Bonnie's WONDERFUL homemade whole wheat bread. My Aunt Bonnie has made the most delicious homemade bread for as far back as I can remember. I always loved to go visit their house in Torrence California because I knew I would get to have some of her bread. My mom was never a baker and getting homemade bread was a real treat.
My Aunt gave me her recipe a few years ago, and I was never able to make it as good as she does. It would either be too dry, or too crumbly, or it wouldn't rise properly... there were plenty of failed loafs.
I moved to Colorado about three years ago, and with the elevation and stuff it is pretty tricky to bake here. I again had many failed attempts.
One night we had a young women's activity where a woman in our ward showed us how to make bread with all the tricks and secrets that come along with baking homemade bread in Colorado.
After only a few attempts, I was able to make a good loaf of bread. Though the recipes I received from the ward and other places were good they were never as good as I remembered my aunts bread to be so I tried her recipe one last time ( this time with all the tricks) and lo and behold I had a loaf almost as good as hers. The reason I write about bread is because as I sit here, the wonderful aroma of fresh baked bread is permeating my nostrils. I love it and I give thanks to my aunt Bonnie who inspired me in this way, and many others. Thanks aunt Bonnie. Everytime I make bread I think of you. Love you.
Don't have much to say except this summer has gone by in flash. I have had struggles and blessings along the way. I have had learning experiences and teaching experiences and have been enjoying the journey that is life.
In May Eric, Diana, Scott (di's man) and Colin went to Disneyland. It was Colin and Scott's first time and we had a blast. A memory that will last forever.
In June I was asked to be a part of the Stake girls camp committee as the Assistant camp director would be moving the week of camp. It was a good experience, but it sure takes a lot of energy and time to serve in a calling like that. It took me a few weeks to recover after the fact.
We have had a lot of family visit us this summer. Eric's parents came to help us put up a swing set for the boys, and Eric's sister Becca came with her family for a week. That was a real treat, because she lives in Tennessee and we don't get to see them as often as we would like to.
My sister Cassie and her daughter Josie came for a week and we will be expecting Erics parents and my brother Nic before the month of August is over.
Colin starts 1st grade in about two weeks and I can't believe how fast he is growing and how smart and sweet he is.
Life is busy. I just wanted to give you a little update on the goings on around here. Thats all:)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yeah I know it has been way too long since my last blog entry. What can I say I suck at blogging.
But I had to write this one down today. Colin has been getting 8 cavities filled, one root canal, and a crown put on in three separate dental visits over the past month. He has had to take a Valium pill one hour before his appointment to help him relax. Anyway, so today I picked him up from school early so he could take his pill, and on the way to the car we were talking and I said " Colin we need to hurry and get home so you can take your pill" he said "What pill?" I said "The one you always have to take before the dentist" he then said "Nooooooo! I hate taking that pill IT TASTES LIKE SPIDERWEBS AND DUST" I said "SPIDERWEBS AND DUST? How do you know what spiderwebs and dust taste like?" He said " I don't know, but I KNOW that's what the pill tastes like SPIDERWEBS AND DUST YUCK!"
I started laughing. He is so cute and smart and weird all it one. I love him, and I love these precious moments in my life because of Colin.

P.S. The appointment went well, we had about a dozen crying spells throughout the rest of the day as the Valium wore off, and hopefully he wont have to taste "SPIDERWEBS AND DUST" ever again:)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Finger Painting

This little stinker decided to use Colin's toothpaste to do some finger painting all over my house on the eve of his second Birthday. I was upset, but he is too, too cute to be mad at, so I took pictures instead :)
He just had to remind me that he is 2.

He is 2 and I love him!

Oh yeah. The toothpaste did come out of the carpet (thank goodness).

Swing Picts

My basement after the first day of work.

Grammy, Pops, Jodi, Chase's head, Eric and Colin at our traditional Christmas eve Italian dinner.

The Hansen family in Sun Valley Id for Christmas

Me, Becca, and the cute, cute kiddies.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gettin into the swing

Has anyone else had a hard time getting back into the swing of things this year? Man I feel like i'm creeping along. Though if I think about it I have done a lot in the last month or so.

We went to Sun Valley Idaho to be with Eric's sister Becca and her family for 4 days... as she is a caroler up there at Christmas time.

Then we went to Utah for E's littlest brother Daniels wedding on the 19 the of Dec. So we have a new sister in law named Rachel.

And E's Parents and Sister Jodi came back to Colorado with us for Christmas. We had a great holiday, and I actually was able to rest for a few days after Christmas bacause Chase got sick shortly there after.

I have spent two saturdays down in my basement chopping wood, hammering nails, and framing the walls in an effort to add more square feet to our house and a guest area for family.

I also cleaned our carpets last night with my parents bissell cleaner.

So I guess I have gotten it to the swing of things a little. Maybe my problem is having too much swing for my own good. Thats ok...... one step at a time right?