Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don't have much to say except this summer has gone by in flash. I have had struggles and blessings along the way. I have had learning experiences and teaching experiences and have been enjoying the journey that is life.
In May Eric, Diana, Scott (di's man) and Colin went to Disneyland. It was Colin and Scott's first time and we had a blast. A memory that will last forever.
In June I was asked to be a part of the Stake girls camp committee as the Assistant camp director would be moving the week of camp. It was a good experience, but it sure takes a lot of energy and time to serve in a calling like that. It took me a few weeks to recover after the fact.
We have had a lot of family visit us this summer. Eric's parents came to help us put up a swing set for the boys, and Eric's sister Becca came with her family for a week. That was a real treat, because she lives in Tennessee and we don't get to see them as often as we would like to.
My sister Cassie and her daughter Josie came for a week and we will be expecting Erics parents and my brother Nic before the month of August is over.
Colin starts 1st grade in about two weeks and I can't believe how fast he is growing and how smart and sweet he is.
Life is busy. I just wanted to give you a little update on the goings on around here. Thats all:)


Lisa said...

Thanks for the updates...I always enjoy reading about what you are up to! Sounds like you are having a fun and busy summer. I really can't believe our boys are starting 1st grade in a few weeks! Where does the time go?

Krysta said...

Again, where are the pictures??? :)