Saturday, June 21, 2008

Memorial Day

On Memorial day we finally went to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. I've been wanting to go there for a while and every time I would bring up going, my dad would always say "what is so great about garden of the gods?" I would say "nothing necessarily, I just haven't been before". It became a joke because when ever we had time to do something I would always say lets go to the garden of the gods, and my dad would roll his eyes. Anyway, It was great and beautiful and a perfect day to go. A little overcast and cool. We also had Diana and Josie with us it was nice.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chase Eats Dirt

So I was out planting my roses the other night, and Colin and chase were having a blast digging and playing in the dirt. Chase loves it. I can't keep him away from the dirt. When ever we go outside he makes a strait shot right to the dirt. This night, he was wet, muddy and had made a muddy paste in his mouth with all the dirt he had eaten. He just smiled at me and let me know how happy he was to be outside. Crunch, Crunch, Crunch was all I herd throughout his bath, jammies, and nigh night time. Eat dirt, eat dirt, eat dirt...Yummmmmm. You have to admit, He is pretty cute.

Five Years old!

Well Colin had a Birthday week! His grammy came to visit him for his birthday, we had a family party and took Colin to Casa Bonitas (one of his favorite places to go) it is like the Mayan in Salt Lake, but Casa Bonitas is the original....And I mean original. I don't think they have done one thing in 36 years to change or update it in any way. Oh yeah and the food is terrible. But he had fun and both grandmas and Bapa, and cousins were there to celebrate with him. He Opened presents that night and got a bike, scooter, and a helmet. He loves them!

Then on Saturday he had a friend party. We had a lot of fun. We played water games, and duck duck goose, hit a pinata, went through an obstacle course, opened presents, ate cake and ice cream cones, and played. They had a great time. I hope Colin knows how much he is loved. He is a great person to have around.

Oh yeah... His theme this year was transformers. And he was very specific about having an oreo cake with bumblebee ( the transformer) on it. I did the best I could, and it tasted really good!