Sunday, November 30, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween 2008 was fun. We had my niece Josie with us and I was able to make her a butterfly costume. She was so cute. I also tried to get chase to wear the lion hat that went with his costume,but he refused so he trick or treated as half a lion. And of course Colin had to be Bumblebee from transformers. He is obsessed with transformers.

It is a tradition that we have a Spooky Halloween dinner before we go trick or treating, and this year we were able to have my parents and the missionaries over to join in our spooooky dinner.
On the menu:
Mr. Bones Ribs (baby backs)
Eyeball salad (grape salad)
Witches fingers (yam and regular fries)
Pirates teeth (corn)
orange goo (orange punch)
Quite delicious if I do say so myself...And the missionaries agreed.

Cutie pie butterfly.
We hiked St. Mary's Glacier the first week in July with my mom, dad, and sister Diana. We were above 10,000 ft. and the temp. was in the 60's. Not bad for the middle of summer.

My mom in front of the Glacier and lake.

Our family On the trail going up.

The Mullen boys resting on a rock.

This is for Krys

I' ll start by sharing the pictures of my house that my sister Krysta has been waiting about 8 months to see. When we moved into this house it was very 1984. This room was a dingy blue-gray with a border of country houses around the room. The couch and chairs are "hand me downs" that I recovered about 5 years ago. I'm not about to recover them again, and it will be awhile before I will get new furniture, so I decided to paint and decorate the room around my existing furniture.

This room is my living room. It was dingy white with a midnight blue accent wall when I moved in. I thought I'd go a bit more neutral. My parents sold us their old furniture so once again I thought I would decorate around what we had. It has turned out pretty nice so far... I still have some touch up work on the paint, and a chair rail to put up.

I made the curtains for this room, my dining room, and recovered the dining room chairs in the same striped fabric. I will send pictured of my dining room at a later date.

I hope you enjoy these Krysta, this post is dedicated to you. I think the house has come a long way. Though it has even further to go. My next big project is finishing our basement.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wow. It has been way too long since I wrote, and I have a ton of pictures and things to share with all of you that we did this summer, but it is almost too intimidating to start, because there are so many. Anyway, I was reading my sister Krysta's blog and was inspired to write, because I have two new little nephews, Ashe and Ronan Fecke. They are so cute and I am grateful they are here and are doing so well. Ill have to admit, I still worry about them since they are so small. Krysta is a trooper and is recovering well.
With that said...Im a new auntie.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Memorial Day

On Memorial day we finally went to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. I've been wanting to go there for a while and every time I would bring up going, my dad would always say "what is so great about garden of the gods?" I would say "nothing necessarily, I just haven't been before". It became a joke because when ever we had time to do something I would always say lets go to the garden of the gods, and my dad would roll his eyes. Anyway, It was great and beautiful and a perfect day to go. A little overcast and cool. We also had Diana and Josie with us it was nice.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chase Eats Dirt

So I was out planting my roses the other night, and Colin and chase were having a blast digging and playing in the dirt. Chase loves it. I can't keep him away from the dirt. When ever we go outside he makes a strait shot right to the dirt. This night, he was wet, muddy and had made a muddy paste in his mouth with all the dirt he had eaten. He just smiled at me and let me know how happy he was to be outside. Crunch, Crunch, Crunch was all I herd throughout his bath, jammies, and nigh night time. Eat dirt, eat dirt, eat dirt...Yummmmmm. You have to admit, He is pretty cute.

Five Years old!

Well Colin had a Birthday week! His grammy came to visit him for his birthday, we had a family party and took Colin to Casa Bonitas (one of his favorite places to go) it is like the Mayan in Salt Lake, but Casa Bonitas is the original....And I mean original. I don't think they have done one thing in 36 years to change or update it in any way. Oh yeah and the food is terrible. But he had fun and both grandmas and Bapa, and cousins were there to celebrate with him. He Opened presents that night and got a bike, scooter, and a helmet. He loves them!

Then on Saturday he had a friend party. We had a lot of fun. We played water games, and duck duck goose, hit a pinata, went through an obstacle course, opened presents, ate cake and ice cream cones, and played. They had a great time. I hope Colin knows how much he is loved. He is a great person to have around.

Oh yeah... His theme this year was transformers. And he was very specific about having an oreo cake with bumblebee ( the transformer) on it. I did the best I could, and it tasted really good!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Denver Botanical Gardens

In April The DBG has a free day. We had never been so we thought we'd go and check it out. It was Awesome. Granted there were only a few spring flowers and blossoming trees out, as it is barely spring in April here, but it was a beautiful day and we all loved being outside in the sunshine. It will be nice to go back "in the summer time when all the world is green" and every other color you can imagine.

Colin made a daisy hat, and chase kept eating the sunscreen. They were very happy.

A Whopping 8 !

On May 6th Eric and I celebrated our Anniversary. It has been a wonderful, happy, stressful, hard, easy, great, short, long, and every other adjective you can use to describe a positive, and worthwhile journey through life together. I love my husband so much. He is the best thing in my life. He loves me unconditionally. He encourages me to be the best person I can be. He supports me, he provides for me, he makes me laugh, he helps me. Heavenly Father knew what kind of man I needed, and blessed me with Eric. I am a better woman because of him. And, I am Happy. Here's to 8 years!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


As a kid I remember the "Bookit" days when we would have the chance to earn our Bookit button and free mini pizza from Pizza hut. We had to read a certain number of books to get our reward.
I recall many a time going with my family to Pizza Hut in American fork, Utah and each one of the kids who had earned the Bookit award would have a mini pizza in front of them ready to devour. My parents would always order a Large size pizza for those who didn't get the coveted minis. We thought is was cool to pop a few quarters in the Juke box and listen to our favorite tunes while we ate. What a good tradition and memory I have with my family growing up.

And now the Tradition continues........
Colin read 15 books in the month of march and received his bookit bookmark (much more useful than a button if you ask me) and a free mini pizza. There are few remaining Pizza Hut sit down Restraunts around, and tonight we are going to Pizza Hut with Grandma and Bapa, Mom and Dad, and brother Chase to celebrate Colin's achievement.
Isn't Colin....SO......STINKIN.....Cute?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tag! I'm It!

Well My sis tagged me, so here goes...

Where was I 10 years ago?
I had just arrived in Anchorage Alaska to serve my mission. I was in a dirty apartment with moose living in the parking lot. It was quite a new experience for me.

2- 5 things on my to do list?
1 Get in shape...
2 Take my kids to Disneyland...
3 Update my house...
4 Get out of debt...
5 Read Harry potter book 7.

3-What would I do with a billion $?
Get out of debt, travel, and share it.

4- 5 places I have lived?
1 Utah
2 Idaho
3 Nevada
4 California
5 Alaska
6 Arizona
7 Colorado ( I know I did 7 but these are all the places I've lived)

5- Jobs I have had?
A bagger, a youth camp counselor, an alterations specialist, a gift shop girl @ bridal veil falls, a custom dress maker, a bridal dress maker, a secretary, and a mom.

6- 5 things people don't know about me.

1- I gather cups on my nightstand. Sometimes I will have 6 or 7 there before I finally take them to the kitchen.

2- I hate doing laundry. The gathering and washing of the clothes is fine, It is putting away clothes that I have a hard time with. I will have baskets of clean clothes all over my bedroom until it is time to do laundry again. ( I am working on it OK?)

3- I am passionate about finances and home decorating, and sometimes my mind won't stop thinking about the best ways to work on these and I have to force myself to stop thinking about stuff.

4-I would like to go to England, Japan, Africa, and the Netherlands one day.

5- I don't like ham. I don't think I ever did. I just ate it and didn't think about it much. Then one day I realized I don't like ham. So this is something I didn't even know about myself until recently. I don't like shrimp either.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dedicated to Shauna

What's this?
It can't be.
A dead cat?
I think it's staring at me.

Black, dangling,
feathers, noose
in memory of
dear mother goose.

ceiling, tacks,
hanging free
can't forget hot dogs
suspended in plasma
in a Ziploc baggie
Ah, yes, now it's
coming back to me.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Our house in the middle of our street......

Well after many months waiting for pictures of our new house, I've finally delivered.
We love our new house. I can't believe the difference in the amount of space. It is so nice to be able to go into the living room and read a book or talk on the phone, and have the kids or Eric in another room playing or watching TV.

The trim color could be better, but a coat of paint is easy to slap on and we have plans to paint the house this summer or fall. We will keep you updated on the new house

Here is a picture of the porch on the front of the house and the flower beds in front of the porch, which I look forward to improving and
filling up with colorful flowers this summer.

Here is a picture of the back of our house and a portion of the yard. We have a nice covered
patio, and yes the lattice is coming down.

Here is a picture of our tree and my little garden area
(under the window).

I can't tell you how nice it is to finally have a back yard. I have been waiting for one for 8 years. Hip hip hooray...The time has finally come!

Arizona here we come....Colorado back we go!

The first week of February we were able to go to Arizona to visit Eric's parents and get out of the cold Colorado weather. Eric's sister Becca and brother in law Paul were also able to come with their kids Ethan and Greta. Colin and Ethan are about the same age and had a blast playing at Grammy and Pop's house. Of course they have a pool so plenty of time was spent swimming. They also live by the Zoo, so of course we had to go there too. Oh yeah! Grammy's friend had a horse so we had to feed and ride her horse. And of course we can't forget about bowling. Colin and Ethan Loooove bowling so we couldn't skip out on that. And the riding of the bikes for hours and hours around the lake where we fed the ducks, and on the sidewalk as we went to the park, and on the golf course after the sun went down, and last but not least around and around and around the driveway at Grammy's house. Oh! I almost forgot about the golf cart ride around the neighborhood. Needless to say we had a fun filled week with our cousins and Grammy and Pops. It went by way too quickly and before we knew it we were back home in Colorado. Thanks for such a great vacation Grammy and Pops!